The inner child
To be a complete human we must know our core and at the center of our core is our inner child. Going through life without our inner child makes it hard to take the right decisions.
Acknowledging and nurturing this connection I think is key to being human. It has always been important but never before has it felt as crucial as today. In an ever faster spinning society it is crucial that the actions we take and the decisions we make comes from a grunded place.
The style of my art is influenced by story illustrations, it’s inspired by children’s books with imaginary worlds that has fueled me with awe, wonder, fascination and curiosity to be alive and to be a human on this planet. I use both traditional and digital techniques. For me this enables the most intuitive honest and interesting process with a pure connection to my inner self.
If my art can be a brief spark that reaches your core and reminds you to keep the door open then I have succeeded.
We all have a compass to follow, it is your inner child who holds it.
I imagine a world where more people stay open to their inner child, where they acknowledge and nurture this connection. When people starts to walk through life side by side with their inner child.
Skapandet är för mig en sökande utforskande process som leder mig fram till något jag inte kunnat förutse.
Vägen till färdig målning böljar fram i vågor av intentivt driv och dalar med tvekan och osäkerhet. Att gå vilse och ifrågasätta allt har blivit en del i processen.
Jag använder främst traditionella tekniker som gouache, vattenfärg, pastell, blyerts eller färgpennor.
Men jag vill inte låsa mig vid ett medium. Ibland kan jag skanna målnignen och färdigställa med penna på digital platta. Jag är ute efter den mest inutitiva processen som ger fritt flöde och en levande koppling till mitt inre.
Would you like to see how a specific painting would look in your room?
.. or maybe you want me to propose some paintings for you? Simply send me a picture of the room and which paintings you are interested in and I will make a preview image for you.